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Health & Wellness

Tips to tell if your athletic shoes are the right fit

Sure they’re cute, but what about support?
Beyond knowing your shoe size, most of us don’t give too much thought to the details of feet, like their shape or how they move. And most of the time these factors don’t really matter when picking out shoes. However, athletic shoes are a whole different story.

How to Be happy!

• Do what you can with what you have where you are. Everyone is doing the best with the circumstances they have been given

Cardiac Odds That Men May Want to Consider

I’m not a gambler. I don’t like the idea of dropping quarters into a machine, hoping that a waterfall of coins will pour out at some point. I don’t try to beat a train at a railroad crossing. But, I do call my philosophy when thinking about men’s heart health as “The Las Vegas Philosophy.”

Ready To Move? Watch For These Summer Injuries

Once upon a time, starting a new exercise or activity was no big deal. Well, as long as you had the motivation and the proper gear to do so. But after you reach a certain age, and you’ve suffered one too many pulled muscles or unexpected injuries, you learn that jumping into a new exercise isn’t quite that simple.

Dr. Joshua Morris

Treatment Resistant or Misdiagnosed?

Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is a hot topic for psychiatrists right now. With the approval of SpravatoTM earlier this year, there are now three treatments for TRD including electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

Rizwan Bashir, MD

Can Your Genes Put You At A Higher Risk Of Stroke?

Your brain is pretty amazing. It has about 100 billion cells called neurons that allow it to perform its many functions throughout the entire body. It not only helps to regulate basic functions like breathing, blood pressure, and heartbeat, it also helps you do everything from moving and thinking, to speaking and remembering.

Dogwood Forest welcomes Bill Windsor

Meet Dogwood Forest of Grayson’s newest team member and General Manager, Bill Windsor. Bill is originally from Cambridge, Maryland; he is married, has two children Emmie 30 and Palmer 22, and 5 rescue dogs.

The Basics of Botox

Although Botox is a familiar word in most households, there are many misconceptions and gray areas of knowledge for many people. This cosmetic treatment continues to rank as one of the top anti-aging treatments in the world. However, there are many other uses that have been discovered for Botox.

Dr. Vonda Ware, OB/GYN at Gwinnett Gynecology and Maternity

Knowledge is Power: Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening in Pregnancy

Having a baby can be the most joyous time in a mother’s pregnancy. It may also bring great concern due to risk factors such as age or other concerns determined by a physician. With state-of-the-art genetic testing, there is a low-risk way to learn about the health of a fetus and the risk of certain birth defects.