The Concussion Discussion – Paige Havens

Paige Havens

We Must Never Ever Give Up

I don’t know about you, but lately my refrigerator has been covered with graduation announcements, party invitations and senior pictures. Graduation season is upon us. It’s always fun to celebrate the accomplishments of friends and family and encourage our graduates to push to their full potential.

More Times Than Not, When It Comes to Concussion, Mum’s the Word

So what’s in your media feed? I know it might surprise you but I have my daily feeds search for the latest on concussions and concussion research. Yes, I browse through the latest concussion news as I drink my morning coffee. It helps me stay current and relevant to this discussion.

Mobile Concussion Care is Coming

There is an exciting new project on the horizon that is going to take concussion care in our community to a whole new level. Gwinnett Medical Center has retired the mobile mammography care-a-van.

Paige Havens

Local Survivors Helping to Unmask Brain Injury

People living with brain injury walk among us every day, but more times than not, we don’t see them as hurt. For so many, their brain injuries are invisible to us on the outside. Judging by their outward appearance, many survivors of these traumatic injuries seem “normal,” but their inward struggles are very real.

Everyday adults get concussions too

Everyday adults get concussions too

So much of the concussion discussion today focuses on youth athletes, but hundreds of thousands of adults sustain concussions each year as a result of the every day hazards of life. The reality is that concussions can happen anytime, anywhere. We’re all vulnerable.

Paige Havens

When is it safe to return to play?

Over the past few months we’ve talked about a handful of great concussion topics. Hopefully, by now, you know the signs and symptoms and what to do when you suspect a concussion.

The silent epidemic we can ignore no more

“There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.”