Home & Garden

Containers can be used to grow a variety of plants within a limited amount of space in places where traditional gardening is difficult

Gardening with containers

If you lack the space for a traditional garden, consider using containers as an alternative. They are suitable even on the smallest patio or porch. Containers can be used to grow a variety of plants within a limited amount of space in places where traditional gardening is difficult. 

Rodney Camren

What 5 STEPS to take when you are considering TO BUY A HOME?

Regardless of the rise and fall of the markets, home ownership has always been and will continue to be at the top of people’s minds as a sense of pride and achievement in their lives.  Home ownership is usually the largest invest a person can make in their lifetime.  So, what is that you need to do to get ready for this 15-30 year commitment?

Tim Daly

Appropriate watering

One of the most frequent causes of harm to landscape plant material is improper applications of water, either too much or too little. Applying supplemental water properly and at the right time is important in keeping the plants healthy. Many established ornamental plants can go extended periods without water. Even during droughts, more plants die from overwatering than lack of it.