Community within – Steven Starling

Tom Roberts before 1920’s in front of Bank of Grayson Bank on Main Street in Grayson GA. Photo Courtesy of the Geraldine Cooper Estate.

A sad old story of commerce in peril…

A sad old story of commerce in peril…
By Steven P. Starling
Historian, City of Grayson

The historic story of the Bank of Grayson still continues to be shrouded in mystery and intrigue after all these years; there are many unanswered and sad questions. I learned the story about 37 years ago. In some old family papers, I found two checks, and deposit tickets from the Bank of Grayson.

Steven P. Starling, Grayson Historian

Precious memories, how they linger

I have told the stories. I have written the stories. Now, I want to share where the love and fascination of all of that started. The start of my hunger for history. During the long, hot summers in my youth, I wore out many bicycle tires in making my rounds to hear story after story of old Grayson past.

Steven P Starling

A new sense of community within a community

A new sense of community within a community

By Steven P. Starling

There are many memories of everyday life and community, as it used to be.  We never knew we would miss these plain times, we didn’t think of them giving way to the years.  There is a “sayin” my brother Walton started using years ago; he could have heard it in his youth, or most likely from our Daddy.  When we pass an old farm or home place that has served the purpose of producing crops and raising generations of family he says, “well, another old place fallen on hard times and hard ways”.


Native Americans in our area

Native Americans in our area
By Steven P. Starling

When we pass by the “Welcome to Grayson” signs traveling in and out of town, the phrase “chartered in 1901″ is a bit confusing. When I give tours or talks on the history of Grayson our new citizens usually ask, “so there was nothing here before J. P. McConnell founded Grayson?”.