Everything Ella – Ella Thomas

Ella Thomas

The Middle

My sophomore year has nearly drawn to a close, meaning that I am half-way done with high school (already!). Now, at this point, I can either see the glass as half-full or half-empty and that usually just depends on the day.

Ella Thomas


Every family has traditions that signal the beginning of the holiday season. From building gingerbread houses to picking a Christmas tree, everyone has a different idea of what is the biggest indicator of the holiday season. For me, I can say for certain that this is not just one thing, but a conjunction of many different events that lead to this feeling.

Ella Thomas

15 and driving

Turning 15 has one meaning known universally to us, and all too well to our parents… it means it’s time to drive. Everyone remembers the first time they got behind the wheel of a car. Whether it was a dramatic movie moment, or simply begging for your turn in an office parking lot (like me), the first time you drive is a memory that you will have forever.

Ella and Dawson Thomas and German Exchange Student, Jan Engel.

Being an exchange student in Gwinnett

This year, we have been very fortunate to be able to spend time with a German exchange student at our high school. Jan Engel arrived from Germany in July, just in time for the beginning of marching band camp.

Everything Ella - Ella Thomas

Hello High School!

You may have noticed that it has been a while since I have written an article. It took me a minute to figure out this high school thing. Since the beginning of this year, school has been a lot different.

Everything Ella - Ella Thomas

Freshman feelings

Freshman feelings
By Ella Thomas

It is finally that time of year again. For 10 months I have anxiously sat at my desk and awaited the time when I could trade school for the pool, the chill of the classroom for the heat of the sun. I think you know what I am talking about…

A champion among us

A champion among us
By Ella Thomas

This month, I wanted to focus on another teen in our community.  Jordan Wolfe appears to be an average fourteen-year-old eighth grader, but for those who know her favorite past time, they respect her as a champion. 

Everything Ella - Ella Thomas

What can you accomplish in 10?

What can you accomplish in 10?
By Ella Thomas

10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months, 10 years- what can you accomplish? This was a prompt presented by the Atlantic institute for their annual art and essay contest. I spent a very long time trying to perfect my essay.

Everything Ella - Ella Thomas

All things Fall

All things Fall
By Ella Thomas

One of my favorite times of year is upon us once again! Autumn always brings up great memories. From jumping on piles of leaves, to putting together a Halloween costume, I am always super excited when this time of year finally rolls around. There are many reasons why I enjoy Fall.