Hometown Snellville – Mandy Snell

Mandy Snell Harris

My roller coaster ride

Hey everyone!! It’s been awhile since I’ve ‘really’ had time or the mindset, to put words on paper. Life is such an extreme roller coaster ride, yes you have heard the phrase a zillion times. But I have been right there in the middle of those hills and turns for a few months now.

Mandy Snell Harris

Use it wisely

Hi everyone!! Haven’t written in awhile and trust me. … I’ve missed y’all.  

SO much going on in my household that I couldn’t find the time.  From my husband having a stroke to us losing our precious Sophie.  

Mandy Snell

I am SO thankful

I normally write down my article, the old fashion way… with pen and paper and then put it to the keyboard. I don’t need to it that way this time.

Mandy Snell Harris

Resilient hearts

Isn’t it amazing how much our hearts and bodies (sometimes), can take? The heart is very resilient. Even though it probably has been broken many times, it continues to beat.

Mandy Snell Harris

A grieving heart

I am writing this with a heavy heart. After last month’s article about grief, I find myself heeding my own words… Why? Why him? Why now? 

Mandy Snell Harris

Grief is a hard part of life

I was sitting in traffic on Tuesday June 2nd… Yes, I remember the day and actually the time. I thought, “what should I write about next month”?

Mandy Snell Harris

Was there life before cell phones?

I am sure that just like me you have wondered, “what did we do before cell phones?” Well…. We did just fine!!! I’m not denying that they come in handy, especially during an emergency. But wow!!

Mandy Snell Harris

Backyards never end

Backyards never end
By Mandy Snell Harris

A couple of weeks ago I was watching the news and saw an interview with ” free range parents “. What? I’ve  never heard of this ‘title’.  It struck  my interest, so I watched. These parents were letting their 2 children, 10 & 6 walk a mile to a park  by themselves!!

Mandy Snell Harris

Stress is not fair!

Stress is not fair!
By Mandy Snell Harris

STRESSED.!! Which spelled backwards is DESSERTS! lol. I would prefer the latter of the two, but unfortunately that can’t be. I’m pretty sure most all of us have/had some sort of stress in our lives. From work, school, kids, practices, moving, not moving, cooking and mostly, our health.