
Mandy Snell Harris

My roller coaster ride

Hey everyone!! It’s been awhile since I’ve ‘really’ had time or the mindset, to put words on paper. Life is such an extreme roller coaster ride, yes you have heard the phrase a zillion times. But I have been right there in the middle of those hills and turns for a few months now.

Grace Dougherty

Teens today keeping connected

Teens these days come from different backgrounds and have different morals and things important to them but what exactly do teens value most now? For some, it could be friends or family, but an obvious answer for most is the phone.

Follow the Cloud

 In Exodus 13 the Israelites are between a rock and a hard place. Actually, they are stuck between the shores of the Red Sea and the Egyptian Army. God used Moses to lead the Israelites out of captivity in Egypt where they were slaves for hundreds of years.

Tim Golden, BrightStar Care

Ask the Senior Care Expert | What are levels of care?

When a family is at the point of considering moving a loved one out of their home and into a facility, they will have to consider what type of facility is most appropriate. The family will hear terms like independent living, assisted living, memory care, and skilled nursing facility. Just what do these terms mean?

Ella Thomas

The Middle

My sophomore year has nearly drawn to a close, meaning that I am half-way done with high school (already!). Now, at this point, I can either see the glass as half-full or half-empty and that usually just depends on the day.

What is real love?

What is real love? There are so many different kinds of love, and there are so many different levels of love. Many of us love food. This is evident in my 200-pound frame. I talk about food so much during my sermons that church members bring me food on Sunday.

Faith Montgomery

The biggest mistake of my parents’ generation

The biggest mistake of my parents’ generation was creating the smartphone.  Sure, it was only a small group of individuals that went into the actual creation of the product, but the rest of their generation were the ones craving it.  They were the ones who created the internet, who were constantly testing its limits, seeing just how far it could go. But, once the smartphone was produced, that’s when it went too far.

Soraya Bagheri

Growing Up in 2018

Growing up as a teenager in 2018 is a bit more different than what my parents described their high school and teenage years experiences were. I’m sure I’m not the only person whose parents have told them about what life was like growing up. Whether it’s the clothes they wore, the music they listened to, or whatever they did after school with their friends.