
Everything Ella - Ella Thomas

What can you accomplish in 10?

What can you accomplish in 10?
By Ella Thomas

10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months, 10 years- what can you accomplish? This was a prompt presented by the Atlantic institute for their annual art and essay contest. I spent a very long time trying to perfect my essay.

We are going to lead!

We are going to lead!
By NG3 staff

As a new year begins, excitement is in the air. For some, this enthusiasm is for new opportunities, new chances, or the revival of previous commitments in the form of New Year resolutions.  For NG3, there is an undeniable spike in energy and anticipation surrounding two new school directors who have already begun serving in our communities. 

Gwinnett Roadrunner – On The Run December 2015

The Gwinnett Roadrunner –
On The Run December 2105
By Mary Frazier Long
 “A good conscience is a continual Christmas.”   Ben Franklin
 “Only God is in a position to look down on anyone.”   Sarah Brown
KidStuff was conceived by Lamar and Jean Holley and the motto of the organization is “Helping Children Laugh and Families Love.”

By Jonathan Howes, Lead Pastor, Graystone Church

Should Christians fear terrorists?

Should Christians fear terrorists?
By Jonathan Howes
Lead Pastor
Graystone Church

I, like many of you, was shocked when I heard of the recent terror attacks in Paris, France on Friday, November 13, 2015.  My heart and prayers go out to the family and friends of the innocent victims and the entire country of France. 

Photo by Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography

Gwinnett is so photogenic

Gwinnett is so photogenic
By Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography

You can think the world of someone but it’s nice when the World tells you you’re right. Jennifer Ortman, yearbook advisor at Mountain View High School, had the 2014-2015 “book” win First in State of Georgia Overall with numerous category firsts such as Layout, Cover, Sports, Portrait and Photo Illustration. 

Soroya Bagheri

Home for the Holidays!

Home for the Holidays!
By Soraya Bagheri

Home for the Holidays? As Christmas proceeds to approach us, there is more and more available to do to get into the holiday spirit! If you are at home with nothing to do, here is my guide to a fun- filled holiday!

Finishing Strong

Finishing Strong
By NG3 staff

As 2015 draws to a close, many of us will look back with fond memories and look forward to new opportunities.



My view from the football bleachers has been extended this season. My chaperon friends and I have been sitting in the stands from August-when the metal can cook an egg- to December – when you can freeze same egg.

Julie Rizzo - Archer HS

Perfecting ending

Perfecting ending

I drove through of what seemed to be a curtain of constant rain and tried to make it home. My windshield wipers were on full speed, but I still couldn’t see clearly. The brake lights in front of me were the only source of light that directed me down the street.