
The Gwinnett Roadrunner – On The Run March 2015

The Gwinnett Roadrunner –
On The Run March 2015
By Mary Frazier Long

•The wind blows spring in during March, the month that comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.
•James Madison, fourth President of the United States was born at Port Conway, Virginia on March 16, 1751. Madison, Georgia was named for James Madison. Andrew Jackson, seventh President was born Lancaster County, S.C. on March 15, 1767.Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24th President of the United States was born in Caldwell, N.J. on March 18, 1837. John Tyler, 10th President of the United States was born in Charles City County, Virginia on March 29, 1790.
•Albert Einstein, German born scientist was born on March 14, 1879.

Everything Ella - Ella Thomas

Everything Ella turns 13!

Everything Ella turns 13!

Everything Ella is finally turning 13!!  Yay! Since March is my birthday month, I thought this would be a good time to write my article on some of the highlights of my year as a twelve year old.

Soroya Bagheri

Benefactors of pageants

Benefactors of pageants
By Soraya Bagheri

I’m back! A lot of you all couldn’t find my article last month, because I didn’t write one, however, you all did see my picture! Last month, I had competed in the Miss Grayson Pageant and I won the title of Junior Teen Miss Grayson. Miss Grayson Pageant is the main fundraiser of Grayson High School that funds the PTSA. 

Mandy Snell Harris

Stress is not fair!

Stress is not fair!
By Mandy Snell Harris

STRESSED.!! Which spelled backwards is DESSERTS! lol. I would prefer the latter of the two, but unfortunately that can’t be. I’m pretty sure most all of us have/had some sort of stress in our lives. From work, school, kids, practices, moving, not moving, cooking and mostly, our health.

Spring Green Festival to benefit helping families in need of affordable housing…

Spring Green Festival to benefit helping families in need of affordable housing…

The 5th Annual Spring Green Festival – hosted by Heart of Gwinnett (formerly New Lawrenceville) will benefit Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity this year. The free event will be held on March 28, 2015 at the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds and will offer a local business showcase of vendors, car show and auction, kids zone, arts and crafts, great food, and a great day of community activity.

Big Green Clean event!

Big Green Clean event!

By Stacie Stamper
Habitiat for Humanity ReStore

Spring has sprung and it is that time of year for Habitat for Humanity ReStore’s The Big Spring Clean event!  

New Lawrenceville changes name to Heart of Gwinnett

New Lawrenceville changes name to Heart of Gwinnett
By Staff Reports

“In January of this year, I took on the role as president of the New Lawrenceville networking group. A new board of directors was established with Jason Friedlander, Celeste Giordano and Sara Poe also serving.  One of the first items we wanted to handle was changing the name of the networking group. 

NG3 builds selfless men and women

NG3 builds selfless men and women
By NG3 staff

Valentine’s Day for most of us consists of letters, flowers, notes, and chocolate.  For a lot of us, we wait until the last minute to go grab some flowers and a card.   For a group of football players from Brookwood’s NG3 huddle group, this holiday was a day they had been looking forward to for weeks. 

Mock Trial-A view from the courtroom

Mock Trial-A view from the courtroom

Jack Johnston is one of those kids who stays involved, too busy for real trouble. He is involved in church, he auditioned for and secured a bass drum spot on the battery with the Grayson Drumline his freshman year, and he can give a good testimony or argument in a court of law.