
NG3 Staff

The gift of giving

The gift of giving
By NG3 staff

Aside from the roasted turkeys and broccoli casseroles, the circled gift ideas in the advertisement magazines, the heavy coats and gloves instead of the jackets, and the tacky sweater parties for the folks from the office, the end of the year holds host to enumerable opportunities to serve others.  Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, many times the focus is on decorating the mantle and vacuuming before guests arrive or scouring the mall for the perfect present for that one family member for whom you have no gift ideas. 

Mary Frazier Long

Gwinnett Roadrunner – On The Run December 2104

The Gwinnett Roadrunner –
On The Run December 2014
By Mary Frazier Long
•What most mothers want for Christmas is the day after.
•Anyone who doesn’t think that Christmas lasts all year doesn’t have a charge card.
•Christmas is when Santa comes down the chimney and your savings go down the drain.

Photo by Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography

Gwinnett’s beginnings

Gwinnett’s beginnings
By Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography

Very recently Les and I celebrated our 40th Wedding anniversary. For many blessed reasons our marriage has been filled with other people, mainly family. I was surprised to realize that it would be just the two of us at Church on our anniversary day.   Then I realized that for all the joy, distraction and heartache of others, every marriage—better or worse—comes down to just two people. 

Soraya Bagheri

November is the time to be thankful

November is a time of giving and being thankful for what you have. In addition, there ‘s table full amounts of turkey, mash potatoes, sweet tea, and most importantly pumpkin pie. This month I wanted to ask students what they are thankful for.

Enjoy it while you’re there

Enjoy it while you’re there
By Mandy Snell

I am 50 years old, and it still doesn’t seem real. Not that I haven’t earned every gray hair and/or all the changes that come with age. Because if that is how age is measured, I would be 70 or 75 ! I’m sure most of you probably feel that way too. I find myself remembering back to when my aunt(s) would tell me, “Enjoy being able to do that, cause in a few years it won’t be possible!” 

Beth Volpert

A tradition of camouflage

A tradition of camouflage

Camouflage is supposed to hide the wearer. In the case of Cathy Harker, Lieutenant Colonel Army Reserve, camouflage did everything except help her to blend in at her child’s school. From my spot on a miniature stool at Grayson Elementary some seven-or-so years ago, I can vividly recall seeing every child’s head turn as Cathy walked into the cafeteria to have lunch with her son, Nick. She had an engaging smile as she graciously acknowledged their not-so-camouflaged curiosity. 

NG3 Staff

Stretching further

Stretching further
By NG3 staff

In an effort to expand the reach of NG3, volunteers are enlisted to “adopt” a team at the  high schools NG3 serves. The role of the volunteer is simple: serve the adopted team on a regular basis through leadership of a weekly character discussion or devotional.  Until this fall, NG3 has unfortunately been able to serve only male sports, but that has changed! 

Homer and Elizabeth

Homer and Elizabeth
By Ella Thomas

It’s almost that time of year again!  That special day when you can stuff yourself with all the food you want, and no one can stop you.