The Gwinnett Roadrunner – On The Run November 2014
Gwinnett’s got talent
By Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography
One of my greatest dreams besides World Peace and a Huge Dog that does not shed is discovering a talent in a family member that I did not suspect. This was the case for parents Jennifer and Bob Ryan when their low key son Jimmy decided to enter the hotly contested Mr. Brookwood pageant.
Gwinnett’s big moments…
By Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography
The luckiest people have an occasion or two in their life when they have that Big Moment. At that amazing time, little can add to the moment except sharing it with your friend. That is what happened when. Mountain View Homecoming Queen Sarah Williamson watched best friend Tyree Wood crowned as Homecoming King. Sarah and Tyree first met and hit it off in their Freshman year at MVHS and the friendship has endured with shared interests in Mentoring, Latin Club and “hanging around.
Do you have your 2015 Business Plan in place?
By Rodney Camren
October is usually the month that business coaches and owners start planning the year ahead. In this case as we are officially in the last quarter of 2014, whatever we do as small business owners for the next three months will show up at the beginning of the year 2015. However what we usually see is that most small business owners barely show up for the day let alone for the year and don’t ask them if they have a 5 year business plan as you will get a blank stare and dead silence.
Deck the halls with boughs of cobwebs… fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la! You know what that means? Halloween is nearly here once again.
Look out dentists….here comes the cavities! Why? Because this is the month that unbelievable amounts of candy is handed out on the last night of the month of October every year, Halloween!
Sometimes, my view from the bleachers is helped along a bit by social media or just plain eavesdropping. A posted photo of the Collins Hill Water Polo Team or a conversation at a marching band exhibition can lead to the best of stories.
Girls do it better!
By Soraya Bagheri
It’s that time again! Saturday SEC football, Friday night Grayson games, and the intimidation of your size compared to offensive lineman…yes its Football Season, the most exciting time for all Americans. Although most people don’t catch up to see what the ladies are up to, many girls in Grayson are at the top of their game in sports, but not only that, they are at the top in their classes!
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