Straining Forward – Will Zant

Letters I never intend to mail

Letters I never intend to mail
By Will Zant

On some weeks as I prepare my sermons, I often write letters I never intend to mail.  I do so to help remember a sermon is directed to people. It helps me process my life too. Recently, I did this exercise.

Life interrupted

Life interrupted
By Will Zant

As a pastor, I am often asked, “When do you write your sermons?” I can honestly say there’s no definite time each week my writing occurs. Although, I work hard at clearing out time in my schedule, admittedly it is hard. The reason is simple.

Straining Forward

Straining Forward
By Will Zant

“Will, your box is in the garage. Dig through it. Whatever you don’t want, toss it in the trash.”

This past December, my mother had me sort through all the items that she and my brother had gathered from the attic of my childhood home.