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County Business – Charlotte Nash

Charlotte J. Nash | Chairman, Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners

Get the facts about the March 19 transit referendum

Gwinnett County voters will go to the polls March 19 to consider expansion of our transit options through a contract with MARTA. If voters choose to approve the transit contract that Gwinnett County has negotiated with MARTA, the expansion will follow a plan developed by Gwinnett County with substantial public participation. It would also mean the establishment of a one-cent sales tax to pay for the transit improvements and expansion.

Charlotte J. Nash

Unspeakable gratitude for public safety professionals

Flags flew at half-staff over the State Capitol and throughout Gwinnett County in late October. Memorials poured in and people lined the procession route after the funeral for Gwinnett Police Officer Antwan Toney. He was shot dead while investigating a suspicious vehicle. He had been with the police department since October 2015.

Charlotte J. Nash | County Business

Gwinnett Government recognized by awards

With 3,069 counties in America, comparisons and rankings are inevitable. I like to say Gwinnett County sets the standard for local government, and the dozens of awards we win every year support that assertion. I’d like to use this space to share some of the latest honors.

Charlotte J. Nash

Highest Credit Ratings: Saving on Financing Costs

It was a proud moment to read what the three major credit rating agencies had to say about Gwinnett County in their financial reports. Here are highlights from what they said about our county government:

Charlotte J. Nash

Gwinnett Animal Shelter: A welcoming place to find a furry friend

 This month I’m pleased to report that the Gwinnett Animal Shelter continues to transform. Management of the facility moved from the police department to community services in April 2017. The staff is now led by Alan Davis and two deputy directors, Vern Sawyer and Chandler Giddes. The news below is from an update they presented to the Board of Commissioners recently.

Charlotte J. Nash

Historic Preservation: Saving Our Roots

In the midst of Gwinnett’s Bicentennial Celebration, I am very grateful for the work of the pioneers and all those leaders to follow who built the foundations for today’s Gwinnett County. I also feel very appreciative that some tangible evidence of what life was like here more than a century ago has been preserved.

Charlotte J. Nash

Volunteers: Putting Time and Talents to Good Use

The adage “when you want to get something done, ask a busy person to do it” came to mind last month while I was attending a volunteer recognition program at the Gwinnett Historic Courthouse. Our Department of Community Services honored 32 individuals and 48 groups who volunteered a total of 875,000 hours in the health, senior services, animal control, elections, and parks and recreation divisions. The other 11 County departments and many elected officials’ offices use volunteers, too.