Gwinnett Pulse

When Hell froze over

Hey Y’all
When Hell froze over
By Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

We have had such beautiful spring weather recently. The temperatures have been in the 70’s and low 80’s. The pollen count has been in the thousands.

Matthew Wages Johnson

Caring for our veterans and their spouses

Q. My elderly parent is a veteran or was married to a veteran, and I am looking for financial assistance for caring for him or her.  What assistance does the Department of Veterans Affairs offer?

Bill Walker

Does YOUR bank really know you?

Relationships are everything in our lives: From our families, to our friends, to the people who care for our children or repair our car.  We know them, and over time we build trust and rapport with them. 

Memorial Day Service on Duluth Town Green

Memorial Day Service on Duluth Town Green

Duluth celebrates our veterans& service members

Duluth – As veteran flags & markers go up throughout Duluth, the City of Duluth is gearing up for a Memorial Day Service to be held on Duluth Town Green in honor of our veterans and service members.