SNELLVILLE – You can’t fight City Hall, but you sure can haunt it!
SNELLVILLE – You can’t fight City Hall, but you sure can haunt it!
The Snellville Ghost Tour, presented by the Snellville Arts Commission, is back for another year.
SNELLVILLE – You can’t fight City Hall, but you sure can haunt it!
The Snellville Ghost Tour, presented by the Snellville Arts Commission, is back for another year.
GCPS principal named top administrator in Georgia
Dr. Dion Jones, the principal of Roberts Elementary School, was named the 2015 Georgia Administrator of the Year by the Georgia School Counselor Association (GSCA).
Sen PK Martin begins service on Governor’s Child Welfare Reform Council
Lawrenceville, GA – This summer, State Senator P.K. Martin (R-9) was tapped to serve on Governor Nathan Deal’s Child Welfare Reform Council, which reviews the operations of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services and offers recommendations for better performance.
Ladies Workout 20 Years…celebrating women’s fitness for a lifetime
By Beth Volpert Johansen
Kelly Farris has had a lifelong obsession with fitness. Over her career, she has seen fad diets and exercise programs come and go, but basic fitness that involves mind and body has never failed her or her clients.
Gwinnett Chamber Says Yes to Education SPLOST Measure on Ballot November 3
The Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors approved a resolution yesterday in support of the Gwinnett County education SPLOST, which will be on the ballot November 3rd.
Dalton’s Barber Shop adds to their collection of first hair cuts
Christopher Shaw receiving his first haircut at Dalton’s Barber Shop in Snellville.
Lenora Church Road, Skyland Drive will get safety improvements
Lawrenceville, Ga. – Gwinnett commissioners approved construction contracts on Tuesday for SPLOST-funded pedestrian and school safety projects.
Lions Leo Club chartered at Moore Middle School
On August 18, 2015, a New Lions Leo Club had their first ever meeting in Home room of one of the two Leo Advisors at Moore Middle School in Lawrenceville.
Stone Mountain Barbershop Chorus Show
Features “Brothers & Sisters in Harmony!”
Veterans Day week is the perfect time to honor those who have served in our nation’s armed forces. It is also the time for the annual Stone Mountain Chorus Fall Show program, which treats our audience to the best in four-part harmony in the metropolitan Atlanta area.
107 W Crogan St, Lawrenceville Ga 30046 | (770) 963-3699