Local News

State partners with Gwinnett to install smart signal infrastructure along county routes

Lawrenceville – The Board of Commissioners recently approved the installation of infrastructure that will allow County transportation engineers to communicate with traffic signals and cameras along four high-traffic corridors in Gwinnett. The Georgia Department of Transportation is funding the lion’s share of the construction contracts while the County’s portion comes from the 2009 SPLOST.

Emory Healthcare and DeKalb Medical move to finalize strategic partnership

ATLANTA—Emory Healthcare and DeKalb Medical are close to completing their strategic partnership, initiated through a letter of intent signed in November 2017. The Federal Trade Commission has approved the partnership, and the application will now be filed with the Georgia Attorney General. Pending the Attorney General’s review and approval, the deal is anticipated to close within 100 days, and DeKalb Medical will be part of the Emory Healthcare system.

Peachtree Christian Health Breaks Ground on $3M Renovation & Expansion

New Life Enrichment Center to Offer New Services & Jobs for Community

DULUTH, GA – A multitude of community stakeholders gathered enthusiastically in the garden courtyard of Peachtree Christian Health(PCH) on Monday to celebrate the official groundbreaking of their new construction phase. PCH’s current 18,412 sq. ft. facility, will undergo various stages of upgrades including new construction and expansion, renovation and cosmetic improvements.

The Honey Trap, By Judy Knight

Art Exhibit in Norcross with Statewide Interest

The city of Norcross and Kudzu Art Zone are presenting an exhibit in a new venue for the Kudzu Art Zone’s Juried Open Show, The Rectory, which is a restored building from the early 1900s and served as the rectory for the church that now houses the Lionheart Theater. The show was open to any Georgia artist and juror Paula Linder, the assistant director of Quinlan Visual Arts Center in Gainesville, chose an excellent, eclectic group of works for the show.

The Mitchell Road Mosaic Wall, a community effort first conceptualized in 2014, is now complete after more than 1000 students, teachers and volunteers took part in its creation.

Long-anticipated, Community-driven Mosaic Mural Brightens Mitchell Road

After its initial conception in February 2014, the transformation of a Mitchell Road wall to a work of art by Norcross area students and other community volunteers is now complete!

Norcross – The City of Norcross is excited to announce the completion of the Mitchell Road Mosaic Mural! First presented to Norcross City Council in February of 2014, this project is the first of its kind in Gwinnett and set out to cultivate community awareness and strengthen relationships while developing civic pride and beautifying an otherwise bland, unremarkable wall. 

Gwinnett Citizen Local News

New Distracted Driving Law takes effect July 1

Lawrenceville – Gov. Nathan Deal signed House Bill 673 into law Wednesday. Effective July 1, 2018, Gwinnett County drivers will face new restrictions on the use of electronic devices while driving and new penalties designed to counter the ongoing threat of distracted driving.

Snellville Native Serves at Camp Smith in Hawaii

PEARL HARBOR –A Snellville, Georgia, native and 2006 Tucker High School graduate is serving in the U.S. Navy at United States Pacific Command. 

Petty Officer 2nd Class James Mullen, a mass communication specialist, is serving at Camp H. M. Smith in the area of operations where U.S. Pacific Fleet Headquarters is located.