Local News

Couch MS media specialist receives regional honor

Couch Middle School has an award-winning media specialist on its staff. Karen Garner has been named the Georgia Library Media Association’s (GLMA) Metro District Library Media Specialist of the Year.

Public advised to use caution around animals acting oddly

Public advised to use caution around animals acting oddly

Three people in Norcross attacked by rabid cat

(Lawrenceville, Ga., May 20, 2017) – The Gwinnett County Animal Welfare and Enforcement Division and the Gwinnett County Health Department are advising residents to use caution and avoid animals behaving in unusual ways after three people in Norcross were attacked by a rabid cat on Monday.

HealthData Management recognizes Beth Grimes

GMC IT Director selected as National Thought Leader

HealthData Management recognizes Beth Grimes

LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. (May 18, 2017) – Gwinnett Medical Center’s (GMC) Beth Grimes, director of enterprise data analytics, was selected by HealthData Management as one of the Most Powerful Women in Healthcare IT.  The program recognizes contributions in health information technology.