Local News

Senior Center lowers ages for members, sets group rates

Senior Center lowers ages for members, sets group rates

Snellville – The city’s Senior Center has lowered the membership age from 62 to 55, a move city officials say will increase participation at the facility. 

Civilian Response to an Active Shooter Event Class

Civilian Response to an Active Shooter Event Class

The Duluth Police Department will be hosting a “Civilian Response to an Active Shooter Event” seminar on Thursday, January 28th, 2016 from 6:30-8:00 PM, here in the courtroom at the Duluth Police Department. 

Trickum Middle School awarded thousands to upgrade library

Trickum Middle School awarded thousands to upgrade library
Trickum Middle School received a $4,000 grant from best-selling author James Patterson to upgrade the school’s library. In addition, the Scholastic Reading Club will match each dollar of Patterson’s donation with “bonus points” that teachers can use to acquire books and other materials for their classrooms.

American Tavern’s Chef Joey talks real food

American Tavern’s Chef Joey talks real food
By Beth Volpert Johansen

American Tavern’s Chef Joey Holmes’ presence at American Tavern makes diners do a doubletake to look for hidden cameras filming a reality tv show about the next best restaurant.

Happenings at Central Gwinnett HS

Happenings at Central Gwinnett HS

Central Gwinnett is a Title I school in the heart of downtown Lawrenceville.  The Fine Arts Academy model uses innovative practices to ensure students receive the highest level of education and exposure to post secondary education, career opportunities, and real-life experiences.

Civil rights icon to speak at MLK event

Civil rights icon to speak at MLK event

Snellville – At the Olympic Games in Mexico City in 1968 Tommie Smith raised a fist covered with a black leather glove as he stood on the medal podium. The symbolic gesture became a symbol of the civil rights movement.

Gun Deaths Surpass Motor Vehicle Deaths in 21 States and the District of Columbia

Gun Deaths Surpass Motor Vehicle Deaths in 21 States and the District of Columbia
Firearms should be regulated for health and safety just like all other consumer products

Washington, DC — Gun deaths outpaced motor vehicle deaths in 21 states and the District of Columbia in 2014, the most recent year for which data is available, a new analysis from the Violence Policy Center (VPC) finds.

Kimberly’s 2016 Metro Atlanta Heart Walk Team Fundraiser

Kimberly’s 2016 Metro Atlanta Heart Walk Team Fundraiser 

Join us on January 15 from 7-9p.m. at Wild wing Café, Suwanee Georgia, to paint a picture of a “special” shoe, shop for a new piece of jewelry and decorate a heart, honoring every woman, man & child affected by heart/stroke disease.