Local News

Wild Birds Unlimited…

Wild Birds Unlimited…
By Beth Volpert-Johansen

Community is literally for the birds at Snellville’s Wild Birds Unlimited. In a big-box world, the smaller boutique shop has to offer something special. In the case of Wild Birds Unlimited, there are several special somethings going on at the local shop that finds a little part of itself in backyards all over the community. 

Your home’s curb appeal

Your home’s curb appeal

You clean your house weekly, mop the floors, dust and wipe off the furniture, clean the bathrooms and other things to make your house a home to you.  Ah, the feeling and smell of a clean home.

Come to Ladies Workout and get a successful workout

Ladies Workout… success tailored to suit you

Ladies Workout… success tailored to suit you
By Beth Volpert-Johansen

Working with women since 1995, Kelly Farris has heard every reason for why a woman might shy away from the gym. “Women have a lot on their plate,” says Farris. “Most women find themselves at the bottom of the list, if they make it to the gym at all.”

L-R are: Stephanie Hinnant (Program Director,) Tammy and Paul Mazurkiewicz (owners).

Soles4Souls… local Little Gym collects little shoes for a big cause

Soles4Souls… local Little Gym 
collects little shoes for a big cause
The Little Gym has collected more than 1,000 pairs of shoes for soles4souls
By Beth Volpert-Johansen

The Webb Gin location of The Little Gym may cater to little friends, but those who fill their little shoes have big hearts. As with many local merchants, Co-owners Paul and Tammy Mazurkiewicz believe that giving back is paramount to good business and being part of a caring community. While their immediate community includes some of the smaller residents of the area, Paul and Tammy are happy to show these kids how to make a big impact, one pair of shoes at a time.

Charlotte Nash, Chairman Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners

Town hall meetings and more: let us hear from you

The practice of holding town hall meetings dates back to colonial America and is one that continues at all levels of government today. The district commissioners and I see these forums as an opportunity for every day residents to share what’s on their mind with elected officials. So in keeping with tradition, we started another series of meetings in March. A total of four will be held this spring.

Grayson Celebrates Heroes

Grayson Celebrates Heroes

GRAYSON – The 36th Annual Grayson Day on Saturday, April 25th, will be a day of remembering and celebrating our heroes – both big and small – those who have fought for our rights and dignity, stood as role models in our lives, and those who give of themselves to make a difference in our community. We’re dedicating the day to celebrating all the heroes among us!