Local News

Philadelphia Winn Chapter NSDAR Essay Winners Announced

Philadelphia Winn Chapter NSDAR Essay Winners Announced

Philadelphia Winn Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, hosted the chapter winners of the DAR Good Citizen Essay Contest, American History Essay Contest, and the Outstanding Teacher of American History.

The Way of the Cross

The Way of the Cross – 
Telling the traditional story with a new relatable twist
By Staff Reports, Photos courtesy of Brandi Williams

First United Methodist Church of Lawrenceville will be presenting a unique live outdoor interactive production with audience involvement – The Way of the Cross.

7th Annual L.E.A.D. (Learn, Engage, Advance Duluth) Academy Participants Graduate

7th Annual L.E.A.D. (Learn, Engage, Advance Duluth) Academy Participants Graduate

Duluth, Georgia – The graduation of the City of Duluth’s seventh class of L.E.A.D. participants was held at Kurt’s Bistro on Thursday, March 19th. Participants were presented certificates and t shirts from Mayor Nancy Harris. L.E.A.D. offers an avenue for citizens to become knowledgeable about City operations, services, and the overall essential functions of City government.

Aurora Theatre presents powerful story of self-discovery with Real Women Have Curves, April 10-26

Aurora Theatre presents powerful story of self-discovery with Real Women Have Curves, April 10-26 
Annual Spanish Language programming celebrates Gwinnett’s Hispanic community 

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. – Celebrate the power of womanhood, as five Mexican-American women venture down the road of self-discovery in a coming-of-age drama that will shower audiences of all ages with inspiration and courage! 

Opening March 28: Seasonal trout streams

Opening March 28: Seasonal trout streams

Make sure you put a trout fishing trip on your list of things to do this spring, especially with the opening of seasonal trout streams beginning Sat., March 28, 2015.

Secretary of State Kemp reminds corporate customers of annual registration renewal period deadline

Secretary of State Kemp reminds corporate customers of annual registration renewal period deadline

Atlanta – Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp reminds officers and registered agents of corporate entities registered in Georgia that the annual registration renewal period has begun. The deadline for the annual registration renewal period is 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, April 1, 2015.

Beds available for Community Garden @Snellville

Beds available for Community Garden @Snellville

SNELLVILLE – The Community Garden @Snellville has raised beds available for rent for the 2015 gardening year which begins April 1.

Aviation history comes to Gwinnett County

Aviation history comes to Gwinnett County

Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 7th – Sunday, May 10th as EAA Chapter 690 once again brings aviation history to the Gwinnett County Airport. A 1928 Ford Tri-Motor, the world’s first mass produced airliner, will be on hand to take passengers on a nostalgic flight over Gwinnett County.