Local News

Back to school jean drive 2014

Back to School Jean Drive yields 140 pairs of jeans in 2014

Remember the excitement as a child of preparing for “Back to School” at the end of summer break? The   questions of “Who will be my teacher?  Will my friends be in my classes?   Will my BFF still be my BFF?   When can we shop for school supplies?  Not to mention, “What will I wear the first day of school?”

Drunk Drivers To Be Targeted Through Labor Day Holiday

Georgia Launching End-of-Summer Zero Tolerance DUI Campaign

The end of summer is near and to help make sure Georgia motorists get home from their barbeques and last-chance vacations safely, the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety is joining the national impaired driving campaign Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over to help prevent drunk drivers from creating needless tragedy.

Snellville police to take on ‘ALS Ice Bucket Challenge’

The city’s police department ready for a challenge. Snellville Police Department officers will take part in the “Ice Bucket Challenge,” the social media sensation that raises money for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s Disease.