Local News

Walton EMC Beginning $6 Million Refund

Most Walton Electric Membership Corporation (EMC) customer-owners will soon receive a nice refund. The cooperative’s board of directors has approved the return of another $6 million capital credit refund. The latest refund brings the total returned by the co-op to $99,571,000.

Mike and Terri Emery visiting staff and friends at I.T. Montgomery Elementary in Mound Bayou, Miss.

Community effort to bring supplies to low-income school in Mississippi

It started with a van, then a U-Haul full of school supplies — and then a bus full of high school students and a school willing to donate books, electronics and do anything they could to make a difference for the small, low-income elementary school in Mound Bayou, Miss.
There’s no doubt that the project Mike and Terri Emery started three years ago, when they made the first trek to the Miss. Delta, has grown.

Deck the Hall

Giant Snow Slide in Duluth

Duluth – Start the holiday season off right in Duluth with the annual Deck the Hall event on Duluth Town Green. Enjoy music by DJ Rob, arts and crafts, pictures with Santa, a GIANT snow slide and playground, train ride and more!

Deck the Hall

Giant Snow Slide in Duluth

Duluth – Start the holiday season off right in Duluth with the annual Deck the Hall event on Duluth Town Green. Enjoy music by DJ Rob, arts and crafts, pictures with Santa, a GIANT snow slide and playground, train ride and more!