Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Oct. 27
The Snellville Police Department is hosting a National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Oct. 27.
The Snellville Police Department is hosting a National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Oct. 27.
Nonprofit Dedicated to Breaking the Cycles of Homelessness, Poverty and Domestic Violence in Georgia Seeking Donations of Gift Cards, Household Items, Art & Craft Supplies and Monetary Contributions through Year-End
As early voting begins on October 15, Gwinnett voters have the opportunity to support $350 million in improvements throughout the Gwinnett County Public School system without raising taxes by voting yes on a general obligation bond referendum at the end of the general election ballot.
The historic Hudson-Nash farmhouse will soon be moved across the street to the county’s Yellow River Post Office historic site on Five Forks Trickum Road between Lilburn and Snellville. Gwinnett commissioners on Tuesday awarded a $162,000 contract to Complete Demolition Services, LLC to move the historic home, to set it properly at the new site, and to stabilize and protect it.
Saturday, November 3 at 2:00 pm
Lawrenceville Branch
1001 Lawrenceville Highway, Lawrenceville 30046
In an effort to salute Gwinnett’s small businesses and entrepreneurs as pivotal to America’s economic growth and stability, the Gwinnett Chamber and presenting sponsor Purchasing Alliance Solutions hosted the 2018 Pinnacle Small Business Awards luncheon and ceremony on Wednesday, Oct. 17, at the Infinite Energy Forum.
The city’s own GarageWorx was named Small Business Resource Champion of the Year at the Gwinnett Chamber’s 2018 Pinnacle Small Business Awards luncheon and ceremony Tuesday.
Upon the motion of District 4 Commissioner John Heard, the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners, on Tuesday, approved the appointment of retired Gwinnett County Public Schools Associate Superintendent Dr. Frances E. Davis to the Gwinnett Hospital Authority Board of Directors.
The number of capital projects now under construction by your County government tells me Gwinnett County’s future is bright!
107 W Crogan St, Lawrenceville Ga 30046 | (770) 963-3699