Local News

DAR Good Citizen Awards

The Philadelphia Winn Chapter of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) was represented at three of our Gwinnett County High Schools’ awards ceremonies in April and May.

Greta Coble retires after serving the South Gwinnett Community for 47 years.

Beloved school crossing guard retires

On May 23, 2018, Greta Coble held up her stop sign for the last time and safely assisted one of her students across the street. After 47 years as a school crossing guard, Greta Coble laid down her sign and joined the ranks of the retired after a long, fulfilling job serving her customers.

What You Need to Know About Interventions

Dealing with loved ones can be difficult sometimes and that only gets harder when they have a problem with drugs and alcohol.  A big part of dealing with a loved one’s addiction is getting them into treatment. But what if they are unwilling to go? Intervention is the next logical step, however what is an intervention and how you pull one off?  

Win big by purchasing your first license in June or July

Picture this – you are drifting down the river in your kayak, casually paddling along. Nice, right? Know what would make it better? Adding in a fishing license for a great day of action-packed angling! Need extra incentive? All new license customers between June 1 and July 31 will be entered to win one of two amazing guided fishing trips that include gear and accommodations!

Philadelphia Winn Group, left to right: Cindy Gaskins, Babs Richman, Registrar Valerie Craft, Lee Schermerhorn, Vanessa Wynn, Regent Ann Story, Treasurer Ann Lockhart, Marcia Robertson, Beth Wolfe, Terri Tigh.  Present but not in photo:  Judy Dyer, Lynn Jacques, HODAR Frank Marchese.

Memorial Day Two-Thousand Eighteen

Not even the rain could dampen the spirits of the group who came to honor fallen heroes yesterday in the auditorium of the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Building in Lawrenceville, GA.  The venue, usually held at the Fallen Heroes Memorial was moved inside due to inclement weather.

Race for a cause in the 40th Annual Possum Trot 10K – June 16

Race begins 7 a.m. | 1 mile fun run begins 7:05 a.m.

ATLANTA, Ga. – For 40 years, the Possum Trot 10K has allowed runners to take part in a great race while helping save animals and all along the beautiful banks of the Chattahoochee River. This year, the race gets running June 16 at 7 a.m.