(Not So) Common Sense – Carole Townsend

Carole Townsend

(Not So) Common Sense | Skydiving. It just isn’t natural

A dear friend of mine just turned age 55, a milestone I glimpsed in the rear view mirror more than a year ago. The big 5-5 bothered her, I’m afraid. She worried about 50’s approach for a full year before it arrived, and for some reason, 55 has bothered her even more.

Carole Townsend

(Not So) Common Sense | Your attention, please…

I want to ask for the attention of two separate audiences today: Christians, and those who are turned off by Christians. Don’t worry; I’m not going to launch into a sermon or try to tell you you’re wrong if you don’t believe the same things that I do.

Carole Townsend

It’s hot outside, and that means war

It’s officially summertime, and in Georgia that means sweltering heat, afternoon thunder showers, snakes and bugs. Insects, critters, varmints, whatever you choose to call them, they outnumber us two-legged varmints in the summer by thousands to one, probably more.

Carole Townsend

Summertime in the South

Ever notice how people who come here for one reason oranother, never leave? I’ve heard jokes about it all my life, but I don’t think I really understood why it happens until I had a family of my own.

Carole Townsend

Out of the mouths of the elderly…

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of traveling to South Carolina to talk to several groups who had invited me to do so. Often, I’m invited to talk to groups about the wellness of the family and domestic violence. More often, however, I’m invited to talk to folks about one or more of my books.

Carole Townsend

Happy Mama’s Day, ladies

I read something a few years ago that had two effects on me:  first, it made me laugh. Second, it stuck with me. Ready? 

“Raising children is like being pecked to death by a chicken.”