(Not So) Common Sense – Carole Townsend

Carole Townsend

Hard work does a body good

(Not So) Common Sense
Hard work does a body good
By Carole Townsend

We were blessed, once we got past the bleak and dreary weather on Saturday morning, with a gorgeous May weekend here in Atlanta. My husband and I happened to have most of the weekend all to ourselves, so we indulged in the guilty pleasure that most couples with “alone time” enjoy. Gardening.

Carole Townsend

Spend your time living, not waiting

(Not So) Common Sense
Spend your time living, not waiting
By Carole Townsend

I was reminded this week that, while focus and planning are wonderful things to have, we can spend so much time looking down at what we must do, that we miss the things that we are blessed to be able to do. That was a mouthful, wasn’t it? Let me explain.

Carole Townsend

Yes, it takes a village to raise a book

(Not So) Common Sense
Yes, it takes a village to raise a book
By Carole Townsend

This past week was a big one for me. I don’t like to offer even the appearance of promoting myself or my “other” work in this column, but today, I’m making an exception. I hope you’ll bear with me.

Carole Townsend

What is it about a grandchild?

(Not So) Common Sense
What is it about a grandchild?
By Carole Townsend

We’ve heard it from our friends for years, my husband and I. “Oh, just wait until you have grandchildren. There’s nothing like it,” they’d say, and we’d smile and nod, having no idea, really, what they meant.

Carole Townsend

Petiquette matters

(Not So) Common Sense
Petiquette matters
By Carole Townsend

Are you a pet owner? We are. We just love our dogs, Cassie, Chester, Cosette and Raleigh. They are all rescues, from the 5 lb. long-hair Chihuahua to the 75 lb. Goldendoodle, and they all love people, other dogs, birds, butterflies and just life in general.

Carole Townsend

The movie theater is not your living room

(Not So) Common Sense
The movie theater is not your living room
By Carole Townsend

Today, I’m going to go down a path that I’ve already been down before with you all,  not because I have run out of topics about which to write, but because the issue continues to arise and in my opinion, it does so because as a civil society, we are deteriorating.