
Katie Hart Smith

“Attention! Attention! May I please have your attention?”

When you hear those words while walking through the bustling and noisy airport, grocery or department store, or while at school, do you find yourself automatically stopping what you’re doing at that moment and look up at the intercom? As the crowd calms, perhaps, we shush others around us who are talking. We pause, patiently waiting and listening for the next set of instructions or call to action while glancing up at the ceiling.

Carole Townsend

It’s hot outside, and that means war

It’s officially summertime, and in Georgia that means sweltering heat, afternoon thunder showers, snakes and bugs. Insects, critters, varmints, whatever you choose to call them, they outnumber us two-legged varmints in the summer by thousands to one, probably more.

Dave Emanuel

Service Dogs to the Rescue

For most people, a dog is the family member who is always glad to see you and wants little more than some of your time, regular meals and a decent place to sleep. But for some people, a dog is much more than a pet. For them, “man’s best friend” can mean the difference between the captivity of an institution and the freedom to live, move about, or to overcome once debilitating events.

Carole Townsend

Summertime in the South

Ever notice how people who come here for one reason oranother, never leave? I’ve heard jokes about it all my life, but I don’t think I really understood why it happens until I had a family of my own.

Carole Townsend

Out of the mouths of the elderly…

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of traveling to South Carolina to talk to several groups who had invited me to do so. Often, I’m invited to talk to groups about the wellness of the family and domestic violence. More often, however, I’m invited to talk to folks about one or more of my books.

Katie Hart Smith

My Destiny

When I was in my mid-twenties and practicing clinical nursing on a medical-surgical unit at Egleston Children’s Hospital, I provided care to a very ill little girl. She was about two years old and had a myriad of life-threatening issues that plagued her.

Katie Hart Smith

“That’s what you would have done, right?”

In honor of Father’s Day, I wanted to share with you some funny “Porch Time with Daddy” stories that our family howls over, year after year. After every mini snippet, conclude the story with my dad’s favorite go-to phrase, “That’s what you would have done, right?”