
Carole Townsend

Sorry, I’m (over) booked

Are you good at multi-tasking? Are you one of those people who can rise at or before dawn, work a full day, handle family business and finances during lunch or on the road, return phone calls during a grueling commute every evening, then attend or host one or two meetings a week – then get up and do it all over again the next day?

Dave Emanuel

Beware of scams

It’s a new year. We have a new president, a new Congress and a new Super Bowl champion. But we also have some of the same old things, among them, miracle cures, diets that don’t work and scam artists. While the latter may be promoters of the former, their approach is typically much more brazen than simply attempting to convince you to purchase something; their intentions are to separate you from your money, your possessions or your personal information by any means possible.

Run on ahead; I’ll catch up.

I’m a dog person. That one short sentence says an awful lot about somebody, but it’s true. I’m a dog person through and through. Don’t get me wrong; I love all animals (even cats, only because I think somehow I’m commanded to), but dogs just melt my heart. They are everything that’s good, and nothing that’s bad, in our natures.

Samson lurking around the corner

The Emotionally Traumatized Cat

Any of you who know my son James will understand that Snell and I are very lucky to have only four cats in the livestock pen, AKA our house. Each and every one was a foundling and has his or her story. All of their stories deal with jerks– humans.

Snell and Marlene Buchanan


Did you meet your spouse or significant other and just know “this is the one”? I have to tell you a little story about Snell and me.


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Tis the season

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas – and it was just Halloween!  I understand that there are only eight weeks between Halloween and Christmas, and that during that time we have to squeeze in Thanksgiving.  Retailers make the majority of their profits during these weeks.  I do understand all that.  However, I hate Christmas shopping.  I really do. 

Carole Townsend

The race is on

Thanksgiving is in the rear view mirror, and as I heard a woman remark the other day as I ran into the supermarket to pick up a few things, “the race is on.” Oh my, just hearing those words makes me get all knotted up inside, because the woman was referring to the Christmas season. That’s the race that’s on.