
Katie Hart Smith

Do you listen to your heart?

Do you listen to your heart? I knew a woman who did. She told me that when she was a young girl that her father was adamant about her not seeking a higher education.

When Hell froze over

We have had such beautiful spring weather recently. The temperatures have been in the 70’s and low 80’s. The pollen count has been in the thousands.

Once upon a time

I didn’t always look like this.   My ta-tas were high and perky. I once had an inny for a waist. 38-26-34. If I had only known the power I could have had then.

Carole Townsend

Time is the currency in shortest supply

(Not So) Common Sense
Time is the currency in shortest supply
By Carole Townsend

We’ve heard time described in various ways over the years, haven’t we? “Time is of the essence.” “Time’s a-wastin’.” “Time-saving tips for….!”



By Sam Roper
Rope-A-Dope Toons

Little known traffic laws

Little known traffic laws
By Dave Emanuel

As you’re driving along a two-lane street in an unfamiliar area, you pay close attention to the speed limit signs, not wanting to receive another fast driving award. You notice a sign that proclaims 35 miles per hour to be the limit.

Carole Townsend

You can teach an old dog forgotten tricks

(Not So) Common Sense
You can teach an old dog forgotten tricks
By Carole Townsend

There’s a two-year-old in our house. She’s been here for a week, and she’ll be here for all of this week. She’s our granddaughter, and we asked to have her come and stay for an extended length of time.

Carole Townsend

There’s no cook like a Southern cook

(Not So) Common Sense
There’s no cook like a Southern cook
By Carole Townsend

Is there a person on this earth who doesn’t believe that their mom is the best cook to ever grace a kitchen? I know I did, and even though my mother passed away when I was just a teenager, I remember her cooking tips and tricks, and many of her recipes, even now.