
Carole Townsend

What is it about a grandchild?

(Not So) Common Sense
What is it about a grandchild?
By Carole Townsend

We’ve heard it from our friends for years, my husband and I. “Oh, just wait until you have grandchildren. There’s nothing like it,” they’d say, and we’d smile and nod, having no idea, really, what they meant.

Carole Townsend

Petiquette matters

(Not So) Common Sense
Petiquette matters
By Carole Townsend

Are you a pet owner? We are. We just love our dogs, Cassie, Chester, Cosette and Raleigh. They are all rescues, from the 5 lb. long-hair Chihuahua to the 75 lb. Goldendoodle, and they all love people, other dogs, birds, butterflies and just life in general.

Carole Townsend

The movie theater is not your living room

(Not So) Common Sense
The movie theater is not your living room
By Carole Townsend

Today, I’m going to go down a path that I’ve already been down before with you all,  not because I have run out of topics about which to write, but because the issue continues to arise and in my opinion, it does so because as a civil society, we are deteriorating. 

Carole Townsend

Some things just leave me scratching my head

(Not So) Common Sense
Some things just leave me scratching my head
By Carole Townsend

There are some things I run across in the course of a day that just beg the question,“Who on earth thought of this, and why?” You know what I’m talking about, those everyday items that either make your life a little bit easier or a little bit more difficult.

Are you a thief’s best friend?

Are you a thief’s best friend?
By Dave Emanuel

You just might be – even though you don’t know the thief, and he or she doesn’t know you. You “befriended” the thief because you provided opportunity, perhaps even an invitation, to enjoy something you own.