
Carole Townsend

It’s a jungle in here

It’s a jungle in here
By Carole Townsend

This is not an easy thing to admit, but I have a confession to make. I have been outwitted by a rogue band of fruit flies. They have taken up residence in my kitchen (my countertops have been sans fruit for nearly a week now), and they refuse to leave.

Carole Townsend

Our Georgia history is rich

Our Georgia history is rich
By Carole Townsend

We live in a fabulous state, all things considered. The weather is pretty near perfect, if you can overlook the brutally long, hot summers. They beat the brutally long, cold winters in upstate New York, I can tell you that.

Carole Townsend

Everything in life comes full circle

Everything in life comes full circle
By Carole Townsend

I remember a saying that I’ve heard for years, something about life coming full circle.  To illustrate the point, so the saying goes, just look at man. He starts his life in diapers and very often, that’s the way he ends up.

The Road to Atlanta

It seemed more than a little ironic that the Grayson Arts and History Center announced its reopening less than a month after the intersection of Highway 78 and Rosebud Road was named in honor of Mrs. Runnell Brooks Foster.

Carole Townsend

It’s not complicated. Who knew?

It’s not complicated. Who knew?
By Carole Townsend

I believe that there are two kinds of people, those who are obsessed with deep-down sparkling clean, and those who are simply concerned with keeping the house uncluttered.

Carole Townsend

Some Things Old are New Again

Some Things Old are New Again
Carole Townsend

I remember when I was a kid, on any given Saturday morning my parents could say, “Let’s go to the Farmers’ Market,” and off we’d go. I have to be honest; my siblings and I were never as enthusiastic about the market as my parents were, but it was something different.

Carole Townsend

Marriage is dead? For our children’s sake, I hope not

I read a blog the other day, written by a young man who asserted the claim that the institution of marriage is dead.  I thought to myself as I read the title of his blog, “Well, let’s see what this doomsday clown has to say,” and I began to read.

Carole Townsend

The last of the family holidays is packed away, for now

(Not so) Common Sense: 
The last of the family holidays is packed away, for now
By Carole Townsend

Well, Easter 2015 is in the history books, and it was a fine one. I hope yours was, too, if you celebrate Easter. If not, I trust that your Passover or just your weekend was glorious. The weather was gorgeous, the trees are “greening up” (as my dad used to say), and the dogwoods and azaleas are in full bloom. At our house, we had an extra blessing to add to all that. Our ten-month-old granddaughter spent the entire weekend with us.

A birthday, an intersection dedication, an inspiration

From 1818, when it was chartered, until the 1960s, Gwinnett County was just one of Georgia’s many slow-growing rural areas. But as the county’s attractiveness became more widely known, its complexion began to change.