
Katie Hart Smith


What defines you? The labels in the clothes you wear? The kind of car you drive? Do you tend to slide down the slippery slope of materialism and let stuff define your worth? Or, do you prefer to take a more practical and realistic approach to see stuff for what it is?

Dave Emanuel | Cut To The Chase

Situational Awareness- A Personal Safety Essential

You’re standing in a parking lot reading a text on your phone.

You’re driving along, chatting with the person in the passenger’s seat.

You walk out of a store looking at your purchases to make sure everything you bought is in the bag,

After a very nice dinner, you leave the restaurant, lost in deep conversation with your dining companion.

Marlene Ratledge Buchanan

Hey Y’all | Today is the Day!

I am a nervous wreck! And I have to get an article in for my Hey Y’all column today. I had several other stories that I have been developing for this month’s Hey Y’all, but terror seems to be my theme of the day. I am writing to you on the morning of my book launch. With several people pushing from behind, I have written a book. Life is Hard. Soften it with Laughter.

Katie Hart Smith


Last night I tossed and turned and prayed to God for His guidance about this column and asked the question, “How do I write about such a troubling subject matter? What words am I to use?” I let go. And, the answer came to me in early morning hours, “S.O.S.”

Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

Life is Hard. Soften it with Laughter.

Well, I did it!!!! I really did it. I have written a book. It is a compilation of essays. Some are based on columns I have written, but most are new material. I hope you will be interested in it and find it humorous. That was my goal, anyway.

Dave Emanuel, Cut to the Chase

Charitable Giving- Donator Beware

During the past few years, the Give Hunger the Boot program has helped raise over $350,000 in food and financial donations for the Southeast Gwinnett Food Co-Op. The donations have come from individuals, businesses, schools, and churches and demonstrate the willingness of people to help others. That willingness is the foundation upon which charity organizations are built. But not all charities are as “charitable” as they appear.

Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

Hey Y’all | I Knew We’d Won!

My Daddy was in the Army and served in the European Theater. Snell’s Daddy was in the Pacific Theater. I said that one day in a conversation and a young woman asked me what kind of entertainment field they were in. I do not believe some of our educators are teaching WWII adequately. Either that, or the kids need to put up their dang phones and listen in class.

Katie Hart Smith

Eat Nanner Puddin’ in the Mornin’

Happy New Year to you! As you opened the kitchen cabinets or refrigerator in search for your breakfast fixings this morning, were you looking for coffee, fruit juice, cereal, or eggs? The other day, I did that very thing and then decided to for-go whipping up an egg white omelet and instead chose to eat nanner puddin’ (Southern translation: “banana pudding”) that morning. 

Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

Pet Peeves

We all have them. Little things that drive us to distraction, if not to downright bonkers. On the way to Florida on “Time Snell,” James and I started listing our pet peeves.