
Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

Hey Y’all | Charm Bracelets

When I was in high school Mama and Daddy gave me a silver charm bracelet. It was filled with charms that were for my high school and every time we went to another state Daddy bought me a charm for it. It must weight a pound, maybe more. I probably should have sold it when silver was bringing such a high price, but who can sell memories like that?

Katie Hart Smith

Right? Click.

 “Please, don’t tell me what I did wrong. Tell me what I did right.” Has that thought crossed your mind or have you uttered those words before? Like a photographer who uses their camera lens to focus on an object that is either close-up or far away, throughout life, we tend to do the same. So, what do you prefer to focus on? Those things that are right v. wrong, the details of the past and present v. the blurry future? The obscure?

Katie Hart Smith

To Reality, or Not To Reality?

To reality, or not to reality: that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageously scripted reality TV…or not.

Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

Hey Y’all | Uh-Oh

We mostly go to the grocery store when we are running low on cat food. This week we needed almost everything for cat and people. The pantry was bare, the cats had only a small selection of canned food, and the dry food had one last crumb in the bag. We may starve, but the cats must be fed.

Dave Emanuel, Cut to the Chase

Public Transit Must Change with the Times

Although they are annoying, infuriating, frustrating and countless other adjectives, heavy traffic, and road congestion are facts of life, not only in Gwinnett County but in just about every metropolitan area in the country. In spite of the negatives associated with it, heavy traffic is a sign of success; large increases in population occur in areas that are desirable as places to live and work.

Katie Hart Smith

A Day of Rest

I struggle to unfold the new reclining chaise lounge – a zero gravity chair. It’s Georgia Bulldog red with a black metal frame. After reading the instruction manual, I am thrilled to know it comes with its own pillow and can lock into any position I desire. Excited to have a day of rest and relaxation on a seventy-degree, sunny afternoon, I revel in the opportunity to enjoy quiet time on the deck, complete with unlimited reclining choices.

Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

Happy 100th Birthday, Mama

My mother was born on June 27, 1918. Her name was Mary Grace Evans Ratledge, better known as Grace, Mama or Grandmama. At Mama’s funeral, several people mentioned that they had never known her name until that day. Well, she was just Mama.

Carole Townsend

The village is changing

There’s an old African proverb that claims, “It takes a village to raise a child.” The proverb is often attributed to Hillary Clinton’s 1996 book titled It Takes a Village, but Clinton actually borrowed the phrase and the concept from the African continent. The wise claim is expressed in several different languages there, and while the premise seems perfectly clear on the surface, some have put forth the idea that Clinton meant that the state can raise your child better than you can. That’s a conversation for another day.

Katie Hart Smith

Cut From the Same Cloth

I tasked myself to reupholster my kitchen chairs a few months ago. I gathered my sewing supplies, hammer, tacks, and a staple gun. With the ideal fabric selected and no set design ironed out, I let my creative mind wander. A vision unfolded.