
Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

Hey Ya’ll | Ageless or Just Old

Good Grief. It just hit me. I was sending a congratulatory note to Ann Jackson Tiberghein. She is retiring from teaching. She was an art teacher in Gwinnett County Schools. And she is retiring.

Carole Townsend

(Not So) Common Sense | “Hey, Mom!”

Mother’s Day is this Sunday; I trust most all of you know that and if you forgot, you can thank me later. I have been a mom for the past 28 Mother’s Days; for that and other reasons, it’s a very sentimental day for me. You see, I lost my mother when I was 16 years old. She died of acute myelogenous leukemia, after courageously battling the wicked disease for a little more than three years.

Carole Townsend

(Not So) Common Sense | A bird’s tale

I do believe spring is here, and I, for one, am thrilled. Seems like winter just didn’t want to let go this year, didn’t it? Here in the South, the arrival of spring inspires us to open up the house, spruce up the yard, and enjoy the beauty of nature that surrounds us all. 

Carole Townsend

(Not So) Common Sense | Gardening with Norman Rockwell

Has spring finally settled in? I ask myself that in late April, as the winds howl and rain gushes through our gutters. I can’t remember a time when winter held on as tight as it has this year, reluctant to loosen its grip and wait its turn to come back around. I get the feeling we’re going to go from cool and breezy to hot and humid overnight, don’t you? We’re just about due for some hot, sunny days strung together for a while, probably until late October. 

Carole Townsend

I miss my dad (sometimes)

My father passed away five years ago, on March 2, 2013. Seems like it was just yesterday because there are times when the sadness washes over me in waves that can be difficult to navigate. Most of the time though, I just miss him. Something funny will happen, or something important or interesting will occur to me, and I’ll think, “I’ll call Dad and tell him.” But of course, I can’t call Dad. I’ll never be able to call him again.

Katie Hart Smith

Only if…

Last week, my husband, Jeff, and I attended the funeral of a dear friend who died unexpectedly. During her Celebration of Life ceremony and the montage of photographs that illustrated a life well-lived, service to others, treasured friendships, and family memories, it reminded me of a recent conversation with a colleague who prefaced their life’s ambitions with, “only if.”

Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

Hey Ya’ll | The Three Little Bears

Once upon a time, a handsome man met a beautiful woman on a blind date. The man and woman fell in love. The handsome man gave the beautiful woman a teddy bear and a proposal. She accepted both.

Carole Townsend

(Not So) Common Sense | My dogs hate me

Well, maybe the word “hate” is a little strong. They’re too sweet to hate anyone. But they’re mad at me, of that I am sure. You see, this past weekend in Atlanta was beautiful and sunny, perfect for those with spring fever to work outside getting the yard ready for outdoor living as only we in the South know how to do it.