The Golden Girls
They were not the original television cast, but they really were Golden Girls, serious and concentrating.
They were not the original television cast, but they really were Golden Girls, serious and concentrating.
(Swept is a reverse poem. What is a reverse poem? These poems mean one thing when read from top to bottom, but the meaning or sentiment changes when you read each line in reverse order, last line to first.)
There’s a Grinch in every crowd, isn’t there? While I like to think I’m no green, hairy, grouch, and while I love the Christmas season with all my heart, I still feel that I must sound a warning to benefit all of us.
A well-meaning girlfriend asked me last week if I wanted to do a little Black Friday shopping with her. I smiled and fumbled for a plausible excuse to take a pass; I figured telling her, “I’d rather have holes drilled in my teeth” might sound a little over-the-top.
They are not bad critters, especially with sawmill gravy. (Steve Butler)
Recently Jim O’Neal, retired Brookwood High School teacher, mentioned on Face Book a raccoon had attacked one of his dogs. The raccoon tested positive for rabies.
We in the United States celebrated Veterans Day last week. From coast to coast, we enjoyed parades, tributes, the laying of wreaths, and at the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial. Nearly 60,000 names of veterans killed in that war were read, day and night, for four days.
I suppose it’s been our generation that made D-I-V-O-R-C-E commonplace. Oh I don’t state that with any pride, mind you, but I do believe it’s true. When I was a kid, I think I knew one other kid whose parents were divorced.
By Carole Townsend | Columnist | Gwinnett Citizen
It’s late October, and we’re smack in the middle of my favorite time of year. From now through Christmas, I’m in my element as a mom and grandmother.
That is the question
Funny how we use different ways to mark our age these days, isn’t it? It used to be that graying hair and crows’ feet were sure indications of a woman in her mid- to late 50s. Thanks to Clairol and miracle face creams, we can no longer depend on those telltale signs.
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