I beg to differ. Have we lost the ability to disagree amicably?
Mama always said that polite folks don’t discuss religion or politics “with company.” Remember that? I remember hearing her tell us that on more than one occasion.
Mama always said that polite folks don’t discuss religion or politics “with company.” Remember that? I remember hearing her tell us that on more than one occasion.
Summer concert season is here, and it’s become one of our favorite times of the year. My husband is a dyed-in-the-wool music buff, his range spanning from head-banging rock to jazz, pop to classical. I enjoy listening to songs from my youth, nicely remade by some very talented tribute bands.
It’s pretty safe to say that currently, I am in heaven. My husband and I have our three-year-old granddaughter for two whole weeks this summer, and I am having the time of my life.
You all know how I feel about cooking. I really don’t mind cooking, as long as you do it. A kitchen was included in our house, but it was strictly for resale value.
When you hear those words while walking through the bustling and noisy airport, grocery or department store, or while at school, do you find yourself automatically stopping what you’re doing at that moment and look up at the intercom? As the crowd calms, perhaps, we shush others around us who are talking. We pause, patiently waiting and listening for the next set of instructions or call to action while glancing up at the ceiling.
At 3:59pm on Tuesday, June 12, 2017, my husband, Jeff – a captain at the Lawrenceville Police Department – called the house. Sirens wail in the background.
It’s officially summertime, and in Georgia that means sweltering heat, afternoon thunder showers, snakes and bugs. Insects, critters, varmints, whatever you choose to call them, they outnumber us two-legged varmints in the summer by thousands to one, probably more.
America’s war on drugs has failed. DEA estimates that only a miniscule amount of smuggled drugs are intercepted. Between the origin of illegal drugs and addicts is millions in profit. Money is why the illegal drug war is floundering and has become a financial disaster for government.
Who is she? What is her name? I know you have one in your life. In this day and age, we all do.
107 W Crogan St, Lawrenceville Ga 30046 | (770) 963-3699