
Alex Le

What do millennials do in their spare time?

Top of the mornin’ Gwinnett Citizen readers! 

Millennials are a generation that embrace technology, but the truth is millennials enjoy a vast array of activities that do not include scrolling through their phones for hours. 

Alex Le

Fact: Millennials are glued to their phones

Top of the mornin’ Gwinnett Citizen readers! 

How many of you have heard the phrase “Millennials can’t communicate”? Whether you are a Baby-Boomer cringing when you see two young people out for dinner but they’re glued to their phones or you’re a Millennial reading this as you’re scrolling through Facebook; there is something to the concept that Millennials have issues communicating; to a degree.  

Ellie Peters, Friend troubles

Ellie Peters, Friend troubles

Dear Ellie,

My friend is a great student and does all her work, but she is a little boy crazy. She will have a crush on one guy then she’ll see another one and start liking him. She currently has 3 “big crushes” and 2 “small ones.”

Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap

By Aysha Cooper

I was inspired to write about intergenerational programs after learning from a dear friend that lives in Denver about a program she implemented at her center called, Granny Does Graffiti. 

Knockin’ on nature’s door

Knockin’ on nature’s door

Top of the mornin’ Gwinnett Citizen readers!  

I’ve observed a very distinct divide between millennials (those aged 18 to 35-year-olds) and the teenagers of today and their interaction with nature. 

The pokéculture is changing the world

Top of the mornin’ Gwinnett Citizen readers! By now most of you have either heard of Pokémon Go, are playing it, or this is the first time you’re hearing about it.

Ellie Peters

Underweight life changes

Ask Ellie

I’ve read and heard lots on dietary changes to get skinny. Except I’m underweight and I need some advice on changing my lifestyle to gain weight.               ~Diet

Kelly Farris, ACSM CPT

Maintaining weight-loss

You have reached your weight-loss goals! Good job! Now comes the process of figuring out how to maintain all that hard work!