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Cody Solomon named director

Cody Solomon named director

Cody Solomon, a Wesleyan School alum, has just been named a 2016 director of the Williams Investment Society at Washington and Lee University. 

The Peachtree Corners native, who is now studying accounting and business administration, is one of three students named as a director. He will serve as an associate director. 

The Williams Investment Society (WIS) is a student-led co-curricular club that invests a portion of Washington and Lee University’s endowment in equity securities. Forty students manage a portfolio of approximately $10 million; each year, their goal is to beat the return rate of the S&P 500.

Students can join WIS as first-years, sophomores or juniors. Solomon joined as a sophomore. The application process, which includes a written application as well as an in-person interview, is strenuous and less than half of all applicants earn a spot in the group.

Directors are chosen by the society’s outgoing leadership team with oversight from the group’s faculty advisor, business administration professor Adam Schwartz, and the Williams School’s Crawford Family Dean Rob Straughan. To be considered for a leadership role, applicants must be members of WIS who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the society.

Directors are responsible for recruiting new members and ensuring that they get up to speed quickly. They also work closely to coordinate visits by corporate recruiters and guest speakers. 

Wesleyan School, located in Peachtree Corners, could not be more proud of Cody’s accomplishments. 

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