Count your blessings

Count your blessings
By Mandy Snell Harris

I missed y'all last month, sorry I had a lot on my plate. As I sit here writing this, I am also watching my husband sleep. He had an accident earlier this month and now a tough recovery.

Mandy Snell Harris

We have all heard people say, “my life was changed in a split second. ” Some of us unfortunately know that feeling…. that awful phone call, and not necessarily in the middle of the night. It could happen anytime, a fatality of war, an elderly family member passing away in their sleep, or a freak accident that you will never understand why!!

Then there’s cancer… I hate cancer! It comes out of no where and blind sides us.

My husband is a cancer survivor and we went through a hard time 4 years ago. And here he is in a hospital bed, in our den. Tomorrow is not promised, but we actually thought nothing else would happen to us, just goes to show… you never know!!! I’m not trying to be “Debbie Downer”, just another reality check/set back. Life is short, we have to take in each day with passion and eagerness as the days will slip by.

I know we all have felt this way at one time or another, overwhelmed by daily routines or lack of…. We should take a short (but O so needed) vacation to reclaim our sanity! Call that person you haven’t spoke to in years, send a letter to your friend that lives out of state, and “by-dingy’s” eat Sloppy joes on your fine China!! My sister eats her dessert first, which I think is a wonderful idea because you know there’s room! Haha. Other foods do better in a to-go box anyway. 

I’m going to take my own advice also. I won’t be able to do a short vacation, but I can certainly do the other things. I think starting in June I will visit 2 friends/family members per week! How fun, I’ll call first! That will be a nice summer vacation for me! In closing I would like to leave you with a poem, see y’all next month.

Count your Blessings
Count your garden by the flowers, not the leaves that fall. 
Count your days by golden hours, don’t remember the clouds at all. 
Count the night by stars…. not the shadows. 
Count your life by smiles… not tears. 
Count your age by friends… not years. 

                                Author Unknown

Mandy Snell is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about growing up in Snellville and its history. Have any Growing up in Snellville stories to share? Comment below!
