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Covenant Counseling holds first annual golf tournament

Covenant Counseling holds first annual golf tournament

For over 20 years Covenant Counseling Institute has been providing fee-assisted counseling for individuals, couples and families in Gwinnett and surrounding counties.

As a non-profit organization, Covenant must rely on donations from individuals and corporations, as well as fund-raising events, in order to provide low cost counseling for those persons who could not otherwise afford the necessary help.

For the first time in a number of years, Covenant is having a golf tournament for the purpose of raising funds to underwrite its Samaritan Fund, from which counseling scholarships come. This tournament will be held on Monday afternoon, September the 28th, at The Country Club of Gwinnett. The Board and Staff of Covenant Counseling are requesting golfers to sign up for the tournament and help Covenant in its effort to provide high quality, low cost counseling for our community.

Registration forms are available by email by sending a request to Dr. Joe Whitwell at The fee for an individual is $95 and for a 4 person team, $360.00. $65 dollars of the individual registration fee is tax-deductible. Raffle tickets will be available at the event with a grand prize of 5 days in a condo in Keystone, CO.
