Do you know how much experience counts?

Having been in the cosmetic industry for 17 years I have had the opportunity to see a variety of situations, products, treatments and providers and the culmination of that experience has shaped the business model of About Face Skin Care. Of course, I had heard the stories and seen the media coverage of overdone cosmetic procedures and I admit I was apprehensive about being a part of this world.

But as I worked with these amazing people, I realized that the section of clients I was working with was simply seeking a way to look as healthy as possible. There were no fish lips, no bloated faces and no crazy frozen faces.

When I started About Face Skin Care on my own in 2002, I kept the same style of practice I had experienced in my surgical setting. I explored the benefit versus risks of all of the treatment options that would work in my setting. I quickly realized that my clients trusted my opinion and that I had to often be the “voice of reason” if I thought a particular treatment would be contraindicated or “too much.” To this day I will refuse to give a client larger lips unless she absolutely insists. And even then, I suggest we do the treatment in two visits.

Now that I have been involved in my practice for over a decade, I can reflect on what my experiences have taught me. I am very proud of the quality of service and consistent results I have been able to offer my clients and the excellent staff that has been by my side. With this being said, I have advice to offer to anyone seeking any anti-aging treatment. From treatments as simple as facials to those as invasive as cosmetic surgery, always remember – “EXPERIENCE COUNTS!”

• Always talk with friends or acquaintances about their experience with a practice. A client should never feel rushed or unsure about a provider or the office he or she is visiting. If this is the first time you have thought about seeking products or services in the anti-aging arena, let your provider know. If you feel like you are being forced into making a decision too fast or if it seems like you aren’t sure of what you are getting into, walk away. You should never be cornered into the “buy today or pay more” schemes. You aren’t buying a car. Clients should be encouraged to take materials home to review and have an opportunity to ask more questions if they want. We often encourage a second consultation to give clients time to think about treatment options. Picking someone that you have heard positive feedback on is probably a safer bet than randomly choosing a place.

• Check into the “experience” of the provider. Many people are surprised that it takes very little time and preparation to set up shop doing invasive procedures. Botox and Juvederm are among these treatments that may be taught one day and performed on a paying customer the next. And it seems a new provider can be found every week in most communities. Not only do you need to ask how long someone has been performing these treatments, you need to ask how many they are doing. Just because someone was certified to do injections 10 years ago does not mean they are doing them 8 hours per day. Choose someone who has been working with the particular treatment you are seeking long enough to deal with any negative effects that may arise. I have met clients that have had injections that they did not like and the provider suddenly stopped taking their calls. Actually, most treatments can be easily corrected in the hands of someone that has worked with these treatments for a longer period of time. Materials may be tweaked or broken down slightly to make an unhappy customer a true fan.

• Ask to see proven results. Sure you can see the before and after photos of clients online, but ask to see some photos of the provider’s actual clients to see if the result is what you would expect. I always like to show new guests photos of our NonSurgical Facelift clients. Although we have hundreds of satisfied customers doing this procedure it is important to know that this is the degree of correction a new customer is seeking before starting the treatments. It would be disappointing and costly if he or she were actually a better candidate for a surgical facelift. I would prefer to refer that customer on to the appropriate provider and hopefully gain their business later when a need for my services arises. A long lasting relationship should be the goal of all providers in this industry.

• Clients also need to be aware that the provider needs to know if they are not happy. I have had many customers that have been in and reported that they were not happy with a Botox treatment from another provider and that is why they never had the treatment done again. When questioned, some clients report that they never let the provider know and just waited on the treatment to wear off. It is important to know that most undesired outcomes can be corrected. Always let the provider know if you expected a different result. Good communication goes both ways. A problem cannot be fixed if the provider is not made aware.

Although it can be scary to trust someone with your appearance, following these few simple rules can make the process much safer. If you are interested in discussing any of the treatments and products offered at About Face Skin Care, we would love the opportunity to meet you. You may schedule at 770-935-FACE (3223) or online at We look forward to seeing you!
