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Duluth to Host Remembrance of 9/11 and the Spirit of America Volunteerism

Duluth – On the eve of the unveiling of the Dream Keepers in April of 2017, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey representative, Moises Gomez, authorized a flag to be flown over Ground Zero in honor of our city's 9/11 artwork dedication. Later in the summer, Mr. Gomez presented this flag to Duluth's first responders and shared his first-hand experience from the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

His message of the community spirit that lead in the cleanup and restoration was riveting, inspiring, and empowering. As a 30-year member of the NY and NJ Port Authority, Mr. Gomez is a member of the Emergency Service Unit stationed at the George Washington Bridge.

Mr. Gomez’s message of remembrance for responding to both terrorist attacks on our nation’s soil in 1993 and 2001, has reached over 27 states, Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, New Zealand and Australia.

On 9/11 of 2018 at 6 pm on Duluth’s Town Green, Kathy Fincher will share the story of her artwork, “The Dream Keepers,” followed by Mr. Gomez fulfilling his promise to return and share this message of “Remembrance” with the families of Duluth at the Red Clay Theatre at 6:30 pm. We hope that you, and your children, will join us.

As etched in the glass of The Dream Keepers 9/11 Memorial…

“May God Bless our children’s hands and hearts as keepers of the ‘American Dream'”.
