As a professional educator who works with students in reaching their academic goals, often they have not yet attained these goals and seek assistance in what they need to change in order to reap their desired results. If I can assist this student in viewing him or herself in a more positive way and encourage them of their capability in reaching their goals, then positive change can begin to occur. My approach is based on my belief that as a steward of God, it is my responsibility to use the many talents and skills with which God has blessed me with, and as a demonstration of my appreciation and respect for what God has enabled me to do, it is my responsibility to use my abilities in the best way possible at all times.
A beneficial first step is for a student to ask him or herself the following question by forming a visual image in their mind of what they see as the answer. “When I think of myself in the role of a full-time student, what image do I see in my mind?” The student’s description of the picture they see is a true reflection of their conscious and unconscious feeling about who they are as a student. If that image is not ideal, the student can then begin to describe what they believe to be a healthy image of a successful student and then begin to write down what they can do to begin to become the student they envision as successful. Over time, the student will hopefully begin to become that student he or she envisions as successful and responsible. If the image is positive, they have confirmation that they are on the right track to reaching both their academic potential and educational goals!
This image created in a student’s mind determines his or her expectations, values, relationship with teachers and other students, and academic goals and educational priorities.
Carol is the founder and CEO of Total Learning Concepts, which provides academic tutorial support, SAT & ACT test preparation, accredited course work, and college admissions counseling and coaching to students of all ages and grade levels. For more information about Total Learning Concepts, Inc., please call 770-381-5958.
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