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Embroidered stories and Christmas tales…

Try to retrieve your own memories of Christmas. They might involve a tree, a special church service, gifts, food and perhaps, the memory of a special item that made its way out of a box each year. For Grayson’s Writer-in-Residence, Joey Hancock, Christmas stories are as much a part of the fabric of a Christmas memory as his mother’s embroidered poinsettia tablecloth. In fact, it was that embroidered tablecloth that led him to describe the stories he tells as “embroidered truths.” 

Author Joey Hancock

As the recipient of the 2006 Georgia Writer’s “Author of the Year” Award for Inspiration, Joey combines his 40+ years as a public speaker with his love of the outdoors to produce humorous and inspiring books, songs and hilarious stand-up comedy. His talents have been noticed by The Grand ‘Ole Opry for his “down-home” humor. 

Using all of his talents, Joey has written a new book, Golden Retriever Christmas, that will appeal to the masses. “It should catch the eye of Christmas readers and should be purchased by dog lovers-especially those with Golden Retrievers,” says Joey. “The book represents a rescue dog finding a good home and life while intertwining the real meaning of Christ’s birth like the threads of his mother’s embroidered tablecloth.” The book is written such that it can be read while sitting down with a good cup of coffee or shared with a child to teach the true meanings and values of Christmas. “It is not a children’s book,” says Joey. “Although, I certainly believe they will want to read the book.” 

joey-book-190Joey’s time as the Grayson Writer-in-Residence began with his walking through the door at the center with his book, Success Afield, which offered short, humorous devotionals for the outdoor enthusiast. “Over the years, since we opened in 2002, different local artists have just walked through the door, says Arts and History Center Director, Barbara Hinkle. “One day, Joey walked through the door with his book which had the GA Author of the Year sticker on it,” says Barbara. “Since then, we have just come to know Joey and he is a part of our family now.”

As much as his mother’s embroidered poinsettia tablecloth became a treasured tradition each Christmas, Joey hopes that Golden Retriever Christmas will become a part of the lives of the families who buy or receive the book as a gift. “Hopefully, it will become a part of the families’ Christmas decorations being placed out on the coffee table year after year.” 

The Grayson Art and History Center will host a book launch event on Saturday, November 22 from 1pm until 3pm. Please plan to meet the Writer-in-Residence, enjoy the center, do a little holiday shopping and pick up a copy or two of Joey Hancock’s latest book. Golden Retriever Christmas is certain to become a family favorite for generations to come.
