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Grassroots Georgia Manufacturing Expo to Promote Statewide Job Growth

gamanufacturingexpoThe first Georgia Manufacturing Expo will be held at the Gwinnett Civic Center on June 8. It will be hosted by Networking MFG and the Georgia Manufacturing Alliance, a new grassroots movement that seeks to connect Georgia manufacturing brands to the strong demographic of Georgia business and individual consumers who want to support job growth and locally manufactured products with their purchases.

Jason Moss, Owner of NetworkingMFG, says, “Over the past two years I have offered to give a crisp new $100 bill to thousands of Georgia consumers if they could name just five products that are manufactured in Georgia. Only one in ten responded with any answer, but most are surprised with how little they know about Georgia Manufacturers Consumers have bought into the idea that, ‘We just don’t make things in America anymore’ and make no effort to find products that are made locally.”

With his team of grassroots volunteers and supporters, Moss believes they can help turn the Georgia economy around through education and a creation of enthusiasm for the state’s manufacturing sector. Moss adds, “People don’t know all of the everyday products that are made in this state, but I bet if we can tell people and connect the products to the jobs they support, it’ll make it easier for the public to reach for those products on the shelves.”

The Georgia Manufacturing Expo also contains a business to business aspect that hopes to encourage Georgia businesses to use Georgia-made products as well. Purchasing agents from all over the state will be present at the event, creating a space where business connections can thrive. 

The Georgia Manufacturing Expo is currently sponsored by the Gwinnett Daily Post, locally created “American Made Movie”, and Okabashi. Current exhibitors include Anita’s Balm, the Georgia Chapter of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Kegooler, Mount Vernon Mills, and many more. 

Business and individual consumers can receive free admission tickets while quantities last at

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