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Great things are happening at NG3!!

Great things are happening at NG3!!
By NG3 staff

Though the water towers announcing to every driver on I85 that “Gwinnett is Great” were removed years ago, great things are still happening in Gwinnett, and NG3 is one of them. Lives are being changed. Eternity is being affected.

NG3 Staff

This semester has been unique for students in Gwinnett County and not just because of the snow days. The wrestling team at Archer won their second consecutive state championship, but that is not all. The championship winning student athletes had the presence of newest NG3 staff member, Thomas Jannett, working through a character development program. Success in sports. Success in life. NG3 completes the picture of what is required to be successful student athletes and lays the foundation for success in life after sports. Gwinnett County has long been known for both academic and athletic success throughout the state. NG3 adds an additional aspect to what our student athletes are receiving from our schools through character development programs, chaplain services, mentoring, and one-on-one relationships with our high schoolers. It is not enough to have a great education and quality instruction in athletics. Our kids need more, and NG3 is the organization that fills this need.

First, NG3 was with one team at one school. Now, NG3 is at five schools and spreading. This semester alone, Archer and Grayson lacrosse and Berkmar soccer have been added to the growing list of teams benefitting from NG3, but it is not only about multiplying the number of lives impacted. For NG3, the depth of impact is more important. The formation of meaningful relationships between a positive role model and students is the source of real change…lasting change.

Michael Woelfl is a South Gwinnett alum. He used to walk the hallways as a Comet baseball player, football player and track team member. Today, you can still find Woelfl on campus at South Gwinnett walking alongside their baseball and football players, giving back to the community that helped raise him. The time spent investing in these young men sometimes bears fruit quickly, while other times, no change may be evident from the outside. In addition to the on-campus character development programs NG3 provides for 100% of the student athletes no matter their faith, some student athletes have the opportunity for more in-depth study of spiritual growth. On one Thursday evening in February, Woelfl was hosting a small group of high school student athletes from South Gwinnett and the discussion turned to that of eternal salvation. Six young men decided that night to ask Jesus Christ to be lord and savior of their lives. Now this is not an everyday occurrence for any NG3 staff member, but it is through meaningful relationships, time spent and real mentorship that opened the door for Woelfl to lead these young men to choose to change their lives forever.

Great things are happening in and through NG3. Would you like to be a part of building better communities and individuals from the inside out? Visit to find out how you can link arms with NG3…because character changes communities. You can also sign up to participate in the first annual Experience NG3 banquet on April 26th. 

Interested in finding out more about what NG3 is doing to make a difference in the Next Generation or how you can help? Go to NG3 is a non-profit 501(c)3 independently funded by donors like you!!

P.O. Box 1429
Snellville, GA 30078

Archer HS
Thomas Jannett – Chaplain, Community Coach

Berkmar HS
Javier Muñoz – Character Coach, Community Coach

Brookwood HS
Matt Williams – NG3 Director  Chaplain, Community Coach

Grayson HS
Dustin Mattox – Chaplain, Community Coach

South Gwinnett HS
Michael Woelfl – Chaplain

Community Development
Jon Stinchcomb

NG3 stands for Next Generation: Character  Community  Change.  Their goal is to develop men and women of character to create a positive change in our communities.  NG3 works directly with student athletes in high schools, teaching and practicing the importance of strong core values like responsibility, humility, integrity and honesty. The staff of NG3 works along side the coaches employed by the school, providing a constant presence of reliability and service.
