Gwinnett Commissioners Approve Draft Redistricting Commission Map

Four commission districts were drawn with resident input after hosting a series of open houses on redistricting.

Gwinnett Commissioners Approve Draft Redistricting Commission Map

Gwinnett commissioners on Tuesday approved a draft map to present to the Georgia General Assembly.

Every 10 years, state leaders are tasked with redrawing district lines so elected officials represent roughly the same number of people. According to the 2020 Census, Gwinnett County’s population grew by 150,000 residents in the last decade alone.

“The Board of Commissioners took deliberate steps to obtain public input by hosting open house events in each commission district,” said Gwinnett County Chairwoman Nicole Hendrickson. “It was important to get feedback from our constituents to better understand what they value as redistricting priorities.”

Residents’ asks were simple: Keep geographic areas together while compacting districts and create districts that represent an accurate makeup of the County’s diverse population.

The General Assembly will discuss the proposed map during the upcoming session beginning Jan. 10. and ultimately will make a final decision on how the County’s district lines are redrawn. The new district lines will be in place by the next election cycle.

View the draft of the map here:
