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Happy Anniversary, Everything Ella!

Happy Anniversary, Everything Ella!
By Ella Thomas

It’s Everything Ella’s 1-year anniversary!!! So, I have decided to include my very first article and discuss what has changed since I wrote it a whole year ago. So… here it is!!! 

Everything Ella - Ella Thomas

When the Gwinnett Citizen asked me to start writing a column in the paper every month, I was so excited. These articles will give my perspective on the world as a 12-year-old. The point of this is not to talk about politics, or all other things adult-y, but to give you a look at what I, a typical rising 7th grader, am thinking about. (Well, maybe not that typical.) This month I am not going to focus on any particular topic, but I am going to give you an introduction to “Everything Ella”. I have one older brother, Dawson, who I am very close to. I also have a wonderful mom, and an amazing Dad. I have a really sweet Ragdoll cat named Butter-Bean, who I named before I ever even got her.  I really love to bake. One day I would love to own a bakery.  If you ever happen to drive by Ella-Bella’s Bakery, be sure to drop in for a cupcake! Just in case it wasn’t clear, that’s going to be my bakery. I have a true passion for fashion. I think that designing clothes would be a fun job on the side of my awesome bakery. I also love to sing. I was a member of Gwinnett Young Singers, an organization based in Gwinnett that sings with the Atlanta symphony orchestra. I play the violin in my school orchestra along with 100 of my closest friends. I also really like to read. I didn’t used to like it, but that all turned around in the 4th grade when my teacher said I couldn’t go to a reading party unless I had 150 A.R. points. (A.R. points were a system of rewarding points to us in elementary school for reading.) I had to read for three days straight, and voila… a reader was born. I understand that that may have sounded a little dramatic, but you’ve got to give me credit for trying.

I am taking article suggestions under the email address…

I have decided to go back on the whole “no article topic for this month” thing. Since Father’s Day is this month, I’d like to take a moment to go back to my amazing dad. My dad has gone to countless daddy /daughter dances, sat through many concerts and recitals, and is always here when I need him. If my laptop ever gives me problems, I can always count on him to drop whatever he is doing to help me fix it. He is also an amazing chef, especially when it comes to the grill. I always know that he will be at all of my performances without a complaint. He is always proud of me in everything I ever do. He will always spend time with me whenever I need him. He is truly the BEST father ever! Happy Father’s Day! I love you Daddy!! 

Hard to believe that I wrote that a whole year ago!!! Time has gone That’s everything with Ella! (For now…)



