The newest in laser hair removal treatment

The newest in laser hair removal treatment
By Abraham Medical Cosmetic

Not long ago laser hair removal treatments were only best recommended for people with light colored skin and dark hair color because the laser system was only able to distinguish darker pigments in contrast to lighter skin. 

Now, even tanned skin can rejoice and benefit from eliminating unwanted hair with the latest addition to Abraham Medical Cosmetic’s hair removal systems, Cutera® excel HR™.  The excel HR™ system offers great benefits for patients wanting to kiss razor burn or 5 o’ clock shadows goodbye for good, plus much, much more!

The excel HR™ laser is unique in that:
•It’s safe for men & women of all skin tones, light to dark, & also evenly treats tanned skin.  
•It uses high-performing dual wavelengths to rapidly target unwanted hair from the face/body.  
•The unique wavelength ranges allow specialized treatment for various skin tones while being located within the same laser system.  
•Has a built in cooling system to provide extra comfort before, during and after treatment.  

A bonus of the excel HR™ system is its capabilities of treating multiple skin conditions in addition to hair removal.  For patients who may have once been avid sun worshipers, excel HR™ can safely treatment age/brown spots.  To round out the triple threat, it can also effectively help remove unsightly spider veins on the face/legs!    

If you are interested in learning more about the excel HR™ system, join us for a very special open house event where we will introduce the great benefits of the excel HR™. The open house will be February 19th, 2015 from 5-7pm.  Enjoy light refreshments & enter for a chance to win door prizes.  Space is limited; you must RSVP to attend.  To RSVP, call Susan or Lisa at 770-978-1161 or email us at; we look forward to seeing you there! 
