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Hello 2021, My Wish is for Happiness

In 2021, I wish for more happy moments. Last year was probably the worst year, worldwide, for a lot of people.

Frankie Gonzalez

With a global pandemic, natural disasters, job layoffs and political turmoil, 2020 served as a “rock bottom” for most of the human population. However, I hope to see more happiness this year. In order to achieve happiness, nationwide and even on a global scale, there needs to be change. 2021 must bring more unity, empathy, and kindness for everyone. This will need to start within our own communities.

I really hope that we can learn from our mistakes, from last year, and realize that we’re all in this together. I know that’s a phrase we’ve heard “80 billion times” this year, but it’s true. We’ve seen so much division this past year. Whether it’s been conflict of political views or human rights issues, we’ve lacked unity. There was not enough basic empathy bestowed towards one another, knowing that we are simultaneously going through something terrible on so many different levels. There was an extreme lack of open mindedness, that we need to work on in 2021. The more open people are to learning something new about someone who has a different race, background, view, etc. the more unified we will be as a community. Instead of mass violence, arguing, and bigotry, I want to see people coming together to make a change and help others achieve happiness.

Most of all, this year, I wish that everyone takes the necessary precautions and follows the CDC’s guidelines to prevent further spread of the pandemic. This past year, so many families around the world have lost their loved ones due to Covid-19. We have gained so much new information regarding the pandemic and the common denominator to its solution is simply being responsible. If everyone followed the rules, such as wearing a mask, washing their hands and staying socially distant, there would be more progress in controlling this outbreak. Happiness will take over as we rid mankind of the Covid-19 related destruction​.​ The more time that pandemic remains uncontrolled, the number of those that fall ill and pass away will increase. Unemployment will continue to increase, which results in more people being homeless, without medical insurance, and unable to provide the basic necessities for themselves and their families. We can all take part in making a change by simply doing their best to protect ourselves and others.

I want 2021 to be filled with love and unity for everyone. As humans, we are not used to being socially distant. The way we learn, work, interact with our friends and family has really been impacted. Creativity will guide us through these times. We can all do our part by supporting one another with what we can. We have some physical limitations, but are able to support one another with sharing our resources and spiritually and emotionally each other. We can express small gestures such as giving a compliment to a stranger, helping your neighbor with their groceries, consoling those that are mourning/ worried about a loved one, and just checking in on friends and family to see how they are doing. I want to see more acts of kindness, big or small, that will put a smile on someone else’s face. In these dark times, happiness and joy is the best medicine.
